
Welcome to my home site. I hope you will check out some of my words and music while you are here, especially those on the topic of depression. It is an illness that has caused me much grief over the years, particularly when trying to form or maintain personal relationships.

I have suffered from depression all of my life, although it was not formally diagnosed until 2008. Since being diagnosed, I have used music as a form of therapy, and it had been extremely helpful in restoring a sense of order to my life. The music I write now covers a wide spectrum, from choral to country, jazz to pop, with a focus on inspiration.

In 2010, I released a collection of songs that are my attempt to put into words the thoughts and feelings I experienced before, during and after a lengthy period of darkness, when I felt as if a dark cloud was hanging over me, and it seemed like the sun would never shine in my life again. You can find the collection here:


If you have suffered, or currently suffer, from depression, you may find something here to relate to; to maybe put into words what you have been thinking. And if you are lucky enough never to have suffered through this mind-crippling disease, then perhaps you will gain some understanding of how it feels to those of us who have.

Dave Ketteringham